Envisage SOLUTIONS. Envisage RESULTS.


At Envisage, LLC, we recognize that each business and each problem is unique.  Because there is no such thing as a one size fits all solution, we spend time upfront to understand your needs, and develop a customized road map to get you where you want to go.  


  • We are results-oriented. We focus on the result that you want to achieve and the most direct path to get you there.

  • We are adaptable to your needs. We have expertise in many methodologies and customize our approach to meet your needs. We acknowledge that sometimes the best solution is a hybrid.

  • We do not discriminate based on size. No project, problem, or company is too small! We love working with start-ups and small-to-mid sized businesses just as much as larger companies.

  • We only bill for the work we do. We work when needed and bill accordingly. Our consultants do not have billable hour requirements.

  • We give you time to run your business. Having full-time consultants onsite can put a strain on your employees and keep them away from what you hired them to do! We are strategic in planning our time onsite with you based on your specific needs and time-frames.

  • We put our money where our mouth is. Our fee structure is multi-faceted. In most cases, a portion of our fees are tied to milestones and achieving results.

By providing informed and objective viewpoints, our consultants can help you create innovative solutions to take your business to the next level.  Find out how we can help you make your difference.

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